
FAQ – Property Chain

• What is a Property Chain ?

Several property documents issued by the government are essential for the citizens, especially for claiming ownership of the property and claiming benefits of government schemes, and legal purposes. These documents need to be stored safely and produced on demand to the authorities. Hence there is a need for providing a fool-proof method that is digitalized and expeditious in obtaining and verifying the document.

• What are the documents that can be uploaded onto the Property Chain network?

The property chain system can store all types of property documents issued by the Government issuing authority. Documents like RoR, Form-9, form-11, Form-2, Form-3, court orders, Property Registration etc, can be stored in the Blockchain.

• Who can use the Property Chain?

The property Chain system provides platform for the storage of documents issued by various departments called the Provider. The verification or retrieval of the documents can be done by individuals/organizations. Any citizen can verify the document from the portal.

• Is registration required for all?

For citizens who want to verify their document registration is not required.Any agency who provides verification service, need to register and obtain approval by the concerned department.

• What is onboarding procedure with respect to Property Chain network?

a.Needs an authentication letter issued by the HoD of the Organisation.
b.Fill up the information of the Technical officer and also the Nodal officer details who will be using the portal.
c.Upload the authorisation letter, scanned copy of the department ID of Technical officer
d.Select the list of certificates intended to be uploaded to the portal.

a.Fill up the information of the Technical officer and also the Nodal officer who will be using the portal.
b.Upload the authorisation letter, scanned copy of the department ID of Technical officer and other details required.

a.Admin of the portal would approve the registration
b.A link to create the user for the portal would be sent to the Provider/Verifier.
c.The user created thus would be used to access the portal.

• After onboarding, how can existing application can publish documents to Property Chain?

Existing applications can publish documents using property chain API. API authentication credentials, API document would be provided after on-boarding process.

• What opensource blockchain frameworks does the Property Chain use?

The Property Chain system is based on open-source blockchain technology hyperledger sawtooth.

• How can citizen verify their document on Property Chain portal ?

Verification to be done using different methods – Based on document details or based on Blockchain ID.

• How can departmets / agencies verify documents ?

The verification can be done by the department or agencies by one of the following methods :

    • One-by-one verification on the portal.The orgnaisation can enter the details of the certificate such as the document type and the ID and the details will be displayed.

    • Bulk Verification : The orgnaisation can upload a list of certificate IDs for which the document details are required to be verified.The portal will retrieve the document details from the blockchain and prepare a file that can be downloaded by the orgnaisation.

    • API to integrate with the line of business application : The orgnaisation can use APIs to fetch the data from the Property Chain and integrate it with his application so that the logic for automatic verification, updation can be built.This will help to automate their processes of verification.